Thursday, June 30, 2011

Joplin: Day 4

Name: Lyndsey Standage
Age: 13  
Blog Post:
Well, A man came up to us (the group) as we were about to leave for a bathroom break, and he he started off the story by saying he was in Aurora to help an older couple list all things lost in the tornado. 
 The man asked the couple, “Was there anything very valuable or special to you?” The couple replied with words and streaming tears. 
“Our jewelry. When people come to throw things away and help out, they throw away valuable items such as our jewelry.”  The man and the couple started to talk about how awful the world was, and how nobody cared, when a Schweitzer van pulled into the parking lot saying they found jewelry in the mission field.  
 At the end of the story, the man thanked us and we all walked away with a knowing that God cares.    John 10:10-11
Name: Ross Duncan
Age: 13 
Blog Post: 
Today was very hot hot hot hot hot. I stepped on about 7 nails today but only 1 went in my foot. Did not hurt much. With that i got a tetanus shot which i thought was kind of fun. Everyday we do volunteer work at destroyed houses and it can be stressful, fun, sad to look at because that use to be a person’s house. Well that is my blog and also a shout out to my family. I love you mom and dad! Goodbye and god bless Joplin.

Name: Tony Rios
Age: 18
Blog Post:
I walked upon a pile of rubble and tugged at a piece of metal. Out I pulled a hanger. On that hanger was a little girl's dress. I stood frozen and I stared at that innocent piece of clothing as I thought about the child that used to wear it. This isn't imaginary; this is happening right now in reality. These are real people, with no homes, with no clothes, and a life that has been destroyed. It is sad when you come to that realization.
" I may be one, but I am only one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. And that which I can do, I ought to do. And what I ought to do, by the Grace of God, I SHALL do." Edward Hale
Tonight I gave a spin and a change on the devotion. God for the past few weeks has spoken to me to tell my story to others. Last night I prayed about what I should do for tonight's devotion and the answer I received was prayer itself. My life story was told through a prayer. I wanted to give the youth the opportunity to see my perspective on my problems and how I approach God. Tonight was the first night that I came out of my comfort zone to speak and it felt amazing! It felt wonderful that I was given the opportunity to talk in front of my friends. To me though, they are not just my friends. We are a family that lives under God. I will treasure that for the rest of my life. I learned that I need to fight for Him and do something to make a difference for myself and for others. And tonight, I proved that to myself and to my family here in the SUMC Youth.

Name: Christopher Dade
Aged: 15 years
Blog Post: 
The number of people shot to date has now climbed to 11 ( one was just a day volunteer). Yes, this means 6 people got shot today. The nail club membership has now climbed to 12. Today we were sent back to the same site as Tuesday. There we employed ropes to pull  large sections of wall down off the rubble heap, used sledge hammers to break up floor boards, and used brute muscle to pull up a furnace and hot water heater. If you are reading this you should also know that it was about 98 degrees with a heat index around 105. Our expedition was blessed with the addition of another church member who volunteered for the day. In the morning there was a man passing trough who told us about another encounter with our church during the tornado  clean up in Aurora( mentioned above). His urge to share a story about how much he appreciated our church for something that none of us there had done shed light on the good in people. After being delivered back from lunch safely, we started back to work. About a half hour later, some volunteers with the Army of Salvation were handing out some much need water and then stayed behind to help us. At about the same time, some indigenous people came by to inspect a  rented out hut, home, and Patti and I got to hear one’s story. She told us about how she rode out the frightful event in her daughter’s closet. She told us how after that she was firm in her conviction tat God had touched her because there was something that she still had to do; she even had a list of questions for God. It was fascinating  to learn that she had decided that church was the place she needed to be and has been every week for church and bible study. IT goes to show how God can make something good out of so much destruction. the group headed back to the secure zone, well the church, at around three to avoid the devilish sun. There have been preliminary reports that we have used up all of the hot water within the secure area; showering early is very beneficial. Based on today’s numbers, I would predict a high number of casualties to nails again tomorrow, especially if we are at the same site. So far the numbers sow that the morning is the most dangerous time to be working. I predict the pattern to hold tomorrow, although for the sake of the group, I hope I’m wrong.    

Name: Lyndsey Standage
Age: 13 years
Blog Post:  
a tetanus shot can feel very very very strange... it kinda hurt but it was entertaining at the same time! 
also, a mile wide tornado is heart breaking once you truly comprehend  it.
here’s a shout-out to my family! 

Name: Aralai Chowfin
Age: 17
Blog Post: 
Today we worked at the same location we did on Tuesday (the house that fell on another house) and then had pretty much the same schedule we’ve had all week, but there were a couple specific things about today that stood out to me. First, while we were working this morning, a man came by our site to share a story with us. A few years ago, our church took a group to Aurora to help out with some clean up. He had been talking to an older lady who was worried about looters, and they proceeded to have a conversation about the sorry state of the world and of people. Right after this conversation, Schweitzer’s van pulled up and they helped to recover some of this lady’s items that she thought had been stolen. This man had remembered our church’s name and what they had done after all these years, and it made me realize just how much someone can appreciate a person who is willing to sacrifice their time and effort for a greater purpose - God’s purpose. I hope that this man’s story can urge us all on to continue doing God’s work and to serve others. 
The second thing that impacted me today was Tony’s talk during devotion. It was a prayer that he read to us and it was his version of his testimony. Tony really opened up to us and I just thought it was a really humble and unique way to do it. 
Lastly, today was the last full day that we all spent together. This week has really made me appreciate the worth of being surrounded by wonderful friends who help to build you up. Kind of like what Hadley said during her talk. It’s so important to have a solid group of friends who can walk side by side towards one goal together. Our youth group is really like a family: sometimes we can bicker and fight and be irritated with one another, but we all have a strong bond though Jesus Christ that will get us through everything. Thanks for a great week, everyone! I love you all, and let’s keep doing God’s work together!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Joplin: Day 3

Name: Christopher Dade
Age: 15
Blog Post:
There was an error in reporting shots on the first day. There have actually been 5 people that have been shot to date. The nail club membership is also static. This may be due to the nature of our work today. Today we we worked inside the distribution center at Ignite Church. We transported pallets into their auditorium turned stock room. We then unloaded them sand sorted the various items into their respective boxes, or we made new boxes for new items. Two team members were separated and sent to run security; yes Isabella and Lyndsey were sent to run security: I felt so much more secure. Some of our party was also sent on an expedition to the out doors to do the dangerous task of setting up a tent in 90 degree weather. They all survived though, and we all made it to the rendezvous with First United Methodist Church of Joplin group at a park to play a rousing game of softball and eat some brisket that was much needed. Unfortunately the area wasn’t secure and we had to go our separate ways( just kidding but we did of course leave eventually). We then headed back to the secured area where we took some of the tension out of the air by playing games and doing devotional. While there were no shots today, there will most likely a fair share of them in the days to come.

Name: Hadley Lunn
Age: 17
Blog Post:
Today was a good day! It was nice to have a break from serving outside in the heat by working in a distribution room at Ignite Church for the day. The work was far less labor intensive, but still a very vital part of the disaster relief process. A few of us went outside to put up some tents (it only took 2 hours- don’t worry) and while we were out there we got to talk to a college student who was in the tornado and canceled plans to go to Iraq to stay in Joplin for the summer. I really enjoyed listened to Sam talk about what’s going on in his life right now in response to the tornado because we really hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to many people who were in the tornado and hear their stories. It amazed me how Sam talked about his faith. He essentially has no worries because he firmly believes that God is in control. It really impacted me and reminded me that no matter what the circumstances, we have no reason not to trust God because He is in control.

Name:Isabella Ulesich
Blog Post:
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
You taught me great hygiene. My second shower was today as well as half of the youth groups.
Isabella :)

Name: Anthony Rios
Age: 18
Blog Post:
Three words stood out to me today: Change, Friendship, and Perspective. Hadley Lunn, a fellow youth and great friend, gave a very meaningful and educational devotion today. She talked about how this experience in Joplin has changed and moved her life and she wishes the same for our youth. Why be down here and go through the motions and not be moved by your work? She talked about friendship. We need that base of friends to get through any rough times that comes our way and even through good times. Lastly, she talked about perspective. When you are trusting God with all of your heart, you are able to take a step back and look at all sides. This spoke to me the most because although I was outside for a short time with a college guy named Sam, I was able to pull from that experience that he is devoted to God. No matter what this guy’s situation is, God has and will provide a path that he can take. It takes a lot of courage to take that Stand and trust God with all of your heart. And if I and even the youth follow in this man’s footsteps, we WILL be great disciples of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Joplin: Day 2

There are more guest bloggers tonight from the Youth that are on the trip here in Joplin. Here's what some of them have to say about today.

Name: Chayne Standage
Age: 16
Blog Post:
Well, I wasn’t sure if I was up-to-date on my tetanus...a nail head broke skin so I got my shot. I had fun though, I never realized that sledgehammers are great anger management tools!

Name: Isabella Ulesich
Age: 15
Blog Post:
Mike did the work of 20 people. He is a man.

Name: Christopher Dade
Age: 15
Blog Post:
Two more people have been shot. Lunch time seems to be the time to get shot.
Total number of people that have been shot now stands at 4. The nail club now has six members. Today we worked on pulling apart a house that got blown against the one next door. This involved standing on an unstable mountain of debris and pulling everything from boards with lots of nails to odd items such as a sink from on top of the other house. We wielded sledge hammers and bashed up parts of the floor with gigantic boards. We also employed a rope several times to pull down several walls. Almost everything we pulled was boards, and almost all of those were filled with nails. It was bound to happen that someone would step on a nail at some point and, in fact it happened several times. My prediction came true. The question is now who won’t have to get a shot.

Name: Aralai Chowfin
Age: 17
Blog Post:
I’ve lost count of how many little injuries there have been so far! Lots of people have been attacked by nails and Tony now has a tiny scratch above his ear, but thankfully none of them have been serious and we’re making progress. Mike is a beast and has pulled down a few walls with his own brute strength. He’s officially our youth group’s version of Chuck Norris. Patty Is wonderful and talked to us during devo time, which was really great. She shared a few of her life experiences and the lessons she learned from them: trusting in God through the toughest times, pushing through them with His help, and continuing on to do His work in our lives. It’s always good for us youth to meet other members of our church who can pass on their experiences to us, so thank you Patty and Mike!

Name: Anthony Rios
Age: 18
Blog Post:
There are a few things that stuck out today to me. One was Patty’s devotional talk to our youth. One of the major things that I took from her message is: Why are we down in Joplin? And trust God through all the tough times. Another thing that I saw today was our house, or shall I say houses, that we worked on today. We worked on a house that was taken by the tornado and blown up against another house. The site was unbearable to see. What did us youth do? We immediately formed an assembly line and started taking debris and other items to the curb. The technique and the team work of SUMC Youth was amazing! How can I forget MIKE! Do I get started on our strength of the pack. There are no words to explain the brute strength and faith that Mr. Lenahan has for working here in Joplin! There is also another thing that I read today. It read: HOPE HIGH SCHOOL. This was at what was left of Joplin High School. The sign was missing the J, I, and N. But in place was the H and E. Unbelievable!

Name: Hadley Lunn
Age: 17
Blog Post:
This week has been extremely powerful so far. When I began raking debris and remains of the house at our first work site, the first major thing I noticed tangled in the rubble was a little girls princess dress. I was amazed at how such a small, insignificant thing could have such a powerful impact on me. This is so real. We recognize how horrible this event was from the news and reports, but it becomes so much more real when we were able to dig (literally) into the lives of those effected. I definitely feel like our group has grown closer this week to each other and to God and I can’t wait to reflect on the week as a whole to see how we were each impacted by this experience.

Also, Patti Randolph wanted me to give a quick shout out to two certain, very important people in her life.  I'm sure you know who you are.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Joplin: Day 1

We are letting some of the youth blog tonight to shine some light on our first day.  Also, check out the video at above to see some pictures and video of our first day in Joplin, MO.

Name:Christopher Dade
Age: 15

Two people were shot today, but more on that later....
Today was a long , grueling day. Before lunch, and when we finally got there, we worked on demolition on a home. We moved debris closer to the road. We then moved on to the deck in back and a closet on the second floor. As I was taking a sledge hammer to the steps, I stepped back and on to a screw. When I showed Tim the board sticking out of my boot, he about had a heart attack. Luckily, I was fine, but when I was working on another part of the deck, I stepped on a nail.; it had no problem going right through my boot and into my right foot Since I was the second one to step on one,we cleaned up and went to lunch. Now following n the style of getting to it when we get to it, we waited until everyone had eaten lunch before we went to go get our free shots. Tim felt the need to document the pain ripping across our face as the needle went in, but I hardly noticed that the nurse was done. We then all headed back to the house across the street from our first one. There we cleaned up a nocked down brick wall and yard debris. Luckily, no one else stepped on a nail.  I see much more shots in our future.  
Name: Anthony Rios
Age: 18
Dear God,
     I pray that you use me to advance your kingdom today.
Last night, our youth devotional suggested that we use this prayer to try and advance our faith while working during the day at Joplin. I never would have guessed that this prayer would come true. We had the opportunity to go to a house that was a STAT demolition (immediate), which meant that we destroyed the house! Now, it may seem a tad bit absurd that I had some kind of calling through this chaos, but I did. As I swung the sledge hammer to destroy the deck, I felt a sudden strength that I never had before. I know the feeling of adrenaline and this was not adrenaline. I felt that God gave me the strength to tear apart the impossible deck! God walked with me through the entire day and when I thought I was coming down with a sudden tiredness, I would get a sudden urge of energy. And after, I felt that my opportunity to come down here became so much more true! I would take a Joplin Mission Trip over a Carolina trip any day. There is no better feeling!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

We Have Arrived!

We have arrived at Fellowship Baptist Church in Joplin, MO which is our home for the next week.  We were met by an amazing couple and their two kids which were a part of the youth group here at Fellowship.  The two youth hung around for a while and got to know our youth quite a bit.  They were so welcoming.

We played some "get to know you" games as some of the students didn't know each other, but also didn't know some of the chaperones very well.  Mike, Patti, and Laura have already been interacting with the youth, which is outstanding to see.  I can't believe we've only been on this trip for 5 hours and the chaperones that knew no one coming into the trip have already found students to invest in!

Mike and I ran across the street to Food 4 Less to grab some food for breakfast in the morning.  Scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, biscuits, etc.  The youth will be fed very well.  I assure you that.  Angela, Patti, and Laura hung back with the students and played some games and got to know the students more and more.

We then had a time of devotional.  A good start to the week.  Getting the students in tune with the real reasons they're are in Joplin this week.  Getting them to think about how God has used them in the past.  How God will use them in the future.  And what is holding you back from letting God use you and the talents and gifts he has given you?

Goodnight, and pray for us as we head to the center of Joplin tomorrow morning!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

SUMC Youth Mission Trip Prep

Everything seems to be falling into place for the SUMC Youth's Mission Trip to Joplin, MO.  All youth are to meet in the back of the Community Outreach Center at 5:45pm tomorrow night so we can load up and get to Joplin.  See you guys tomorrow!

Be checking back on this blog for updates on the Mission Trip daily.